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The completion of my doctoral thesis on geometric tradition in Western art on modular estructures, left me a deep signal when thinking about running processes and aesthetic. This fact led, even in a methodology that I define as generative Geometry that can be followed in some of the documents and presentations most rationalistic how Catalog Deli and projects, Flowers in the desert, Sapientis est ordinare and Cúbic and finally were embodied in a sculpture, the tree winds.
Pere Planells 2004. Great blog with skylights. Waxes and bar conté about paper
Pere Planells 2004. Blogs with arched passing. Waxes and bar conté about paper
Pere Planells 2004. House with scale. Waxes and bar conté about paper
Pere Planells 2004. Open to the winds. Waxes and bar conté about paper
Pere Planells 2001. Ties. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.
Pere Planells 2001. Nautic. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.
Pere Planells 2001. Ca marí. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.
Pere Planells 2001. Escull. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.
Pere Planells 2001. Out at sea. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.
Pere Planells 2001. Harbor cranes. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.
Pere Planells 2001. Herring. Mixed media on paper engraving. Project to be completed in iron Corten.   ,    i        pertanyen a Pere Planells i Bonet, amb seu al carrer Ample, 3B, 1r, 08350, Arenys de Mar, Barcelona.